Brighten your day with the Aura Bloom arrangement.
This delightful bouquet features cheerful Gerbera Pink, soft Astilbe Pink, and charming Ohara Pink roses, complemented by Spray Roses Pink and light blue Hydrangea.
Finished with Wax Flower Pink and a touch of Eucalyptus.
It creates a vibrant, fresh display perfect for any joyful occasion.
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Aura Bloom
AED 446
Delivery In: 10 Minutes
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Brighten your day with the Aura Bloom arrangement.
This delightful bouquet features cheerful Gerbera Pink, soft Astilbe Pink, and charming Ohara Pink roses, complemented by Spray Roses Pink and light blue Hydrangea.
Finished with Wax Flower Pink and a touch of Eucalyptus.
It creates a vibrant, fresh display perfect for any joyful occasion.
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