A vibrant bouquet featuring bold Chrysanthemum Orange and striking Delphinium Purple, complemented by soft Hydrangea Light Blue and unique Anthurium Green.
Enhanced with exotic Oncidium, elegant Calla Lily Pink, fresh Eucalyptus, and dynamic Leucospermum.
This arrangement creates a lively and sophisticated display that adds a touch of color and flair, presented in a stylish vase.
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AED 1013
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A vibrant bouquet featuring bold Chrysanthemum Orange and striking Delphinium Purple, complemented by soft Hydrangea Light Blue and unique Anthurium Green.
Enhanced with exotic Oncidium, elegant Calla Lily Pink, fresh Eucalyptus, and dynamic Leucospermum.
This arrangement creates a lively and sophisticated display that adds a touch of color and flair, presented in a stylish vase.